Need to Keep Data Safe:
• It is very important to keep your data safe.
• If the data is personal then you may not want it to be leaked into the public such as your family photographs etc.
• If it is some sensitive information like bank details or passwords, then it needs to be kept private from even your family and close friends.
• Data can be compromised via a malicious act such as copying, unauthorized viewing, deleting, etc. or it can be corrupted due to accidental damage such as human error or corruption.
Security Risks, Its Effects & Risk Mitigations:
Following are the possible risks and their effects:
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Spyware/key-logging software:
Source: (Computer Science by D. Watson & H. Williams
Denial of Service Attack (DoS):
• It is a type of security threat that exempts users from accessing a part of a network such as an internet server.
• This attack is generally temporary, but it can prove to be very damaging.
• It cannot only attack networks but individual users themselves can also become the
target of this threat.
• If an individual falls victim to this attack then he may not be able to access, websites, emails, online services including banking.
• One method to initiate this threat is to flood the network with false traffic.
• Since the server can only handle a number of requests, this false traffic will cause the server to not be able to fulfill the legitimate user request because of overloading.
Different Ways to Keep Data Safe:
• Following are a few of the ways to keep your data safe:
Anti-Virus Software:
• Install an anti-virus software before connecting your system first time to the internet.
• An anti-virus is a software that scans your system for any viruses and terminates them, scan new viruses from entering and protects your system from any more harm.
• The anti-virus software should be active all the time to deal with the viruses at earliest.
• It can also scan your emails, new disks connected to your system as well as the new programs you download from the internet.
• It is also capable of isolating irreparable files to protect other files from being corrupted.
• It is a program or hardware appliance and protects from unauthorized access to your system.
• It can also protect your system from internet threats like malware, viruses, hackers, and worms.
• It should be the first step to protect your system from any prevailing threats over the Internet.
• It should be active all the time to avoid any breach.
• It enforces a policy with governing rules for the flow of data.
• The firewall used in a typical computer system uses packet filtering.
• In packet filtering, data packets are either rejected or admitted depending upon the set configuration.
• It blocks uninvited incoming connections.
Password Protection:
• Passwords are put to keep the invaders out of your system or data.
• However, the strength or complexity of the password plays a great role in the protection.
• There are a few points that you must keep in mind while setting up your password:
• Make sure it is at least 6 characters in length.
• It contains a number, a special character, and a capital alphabet.
• It should not include your first name, last name, user ID, a month, a day, or a single word, etc.
• It is an effective way to achieve data security as it allows you to convert your information into a code that can only be decrypted using the same method and correct key.
• Data i.e. encrypted is known as ciphertext whereas data i.e. not encrypted is known as plain text.
Keep Updating the Software:
• It is also crucial that you keep your OS, anti-virus, and firewall updated.
• You will be automatically notified when an update is available and it should be done on priority.
Online Banking:
• Online banking uses a very secure connection known as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), meaning that they have high security, and breaching them is very difficult.
• However, the users of internet banking and their internet connection can give way to the breachers to attack them.
• If a hacker takes control of your computer then he can also easily get access to your online banking to transfer all your funds making it impossible for you to prove to the bank that it wasn't you.
To prevent yourself from such threats, you can apply the following securities:
• Password – Always choose a strong password, never share your password with anyone online or otherwise and never store your password on your computer as a notepad/excel list, etc. When you log in from your computer try not to enter the password from the keyboard always use the onscreen online keyboard to do it.
• Firewall & Antivirus – Use a firewall and antivirus software to keep the breachers at bay. Keep updating the software including your OS.
Online Shopping:
• Online shopping is fun and convenient but it also exposes you to new threats. In order to protect yourself and your money, you can do the following:
• Spam Links – Don't click on any spam links you get in your emails to make your purchases and also avoid websites that do not look secure.
• Security Seal – You must look for the security seal like 'McAfee Secure' which means that the site has been scanned and is secure for you to make the purchases.
• Public Computers – Never use a public computer to make online purchases.
• Secure Connection – Always use a secure internet connection while placing your order, if the connection is not secure then the chances of being attacked increase.