Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)


Law 9084

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

Generally, until 1986, cases initiated by the state were carried out by the police. This lead to controversy, because it was felt that the examination of the offense would be independent of the prosecution of the case. The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice (the Phillips Commission), whose findings contributed to the implementation of damages rate, also found out that there was no standardized method of trial in England and Wales. The Commission found it necessary to create an autonomous body accountable for monitoring and handling procedures. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was finally created under the 1985 Prosecution of Offences Act and started functioning in 1986.

Organisation Of The CPS

The head of the CPS is the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), who must have been certified as an attorney for a minimum of ten years. The DPP shall be appointed by and pursuant to the oversight of the Attorney General. Above the DPP are Chief Crown Prosecutors, who also oversee one of the 13 regions in which the nation is split. - the region shall be subdivided into divisions, - of which shall be led by the Senior District Crown Prosecutor. There are many attorneys and support workers in the divisions, who are grouped into teams and assigned responsibility for litigation.

The Functions Of The CPS

They cover all facets of litigation which can be described as follows:

Making decisions on what offense(s) will be prosecuted. In both cases, this was accomplished by the authorities, although often false proceedings were filed, which indicated that the investigation needed to be dropped. Now, all severe allegations have been determined by the CPS.

Investigating the proceedings handed out to them by the courts to determine if there is ample proof for a lawsuit to be made and if it is in the best interest to do so; this is to prevent putting weak claims to the trial.

to remain liable for the crime until it has been turned over to them by the authorities.

Plan the investigation of crimes in the Magistrates' Court; this is typically performed by attorneys serving with the Public Investigation Service as Chief Counsel or Assistant Counsel, who are professionally qualified lay people employed with the CPS.

Proceedings before the Supreme Court. That can be achieved by instructing either a qualified counsel to serve as a trial advocate or a Crown advocate with the requisite litigation credentials.

On a realistic basis, if the offender has been arrested or detained with a crime, the task of the police is at an end. We will submit the documents to the CPS for each trial – each trial is then allocated to a person in the local CPS department, and the person will be liable for the case during the litigation process. This is meant to maintain consistency and improved coordination with any situation.

Discontinuation Of Cases

After the papers have been issued, the CPS is obligated to investigate the evidence and determine if the investigation can proceed. There have been critiques regarding the number regarding instances in which the CPS agrees whether the investigation will be terminated. In an attempt to address any of these concerns, the DPP published a new Code of Conduct for the CPS in 1994, and the Code was updated again in 2000, 2004, and 2011. This document indicates the considerations taken into consideration when determining how to continue with litigation.

Evidential Test

The 'evidential test' and the 'public interest check' are the two key considerations. The first is that there is adequate proof to include a 'realistic likelihood of prosecution' in the event. Accordingly, the CPS will decide what the quality of the proof is and if the magistrates or the jurors are more probable or not to be prosecuted. This must ask itself if the proof is admissible or if this has been collected by violating the PACE rules; if the testimony of the complainant may undermine the prosecution (for example, the complainant has a questionable purpose such that the proof is unreliable); and how good the testimony of the defendant's identity is.

Public Interest Test

The second test, if it is in the general interest to proceed with the lawsuit, is more complicated as it requires rather wide-ranging issues. The Code of Practice mentions certain 'general public interest reasons' against and for enforcement. This points out that the lists are not complete and that the considerations that would apply depending on the specifics in each situation. Such considerations are replicated on pages 164–5 in the study.

In its annual accounts, the CPS reveals that the amount of lawsuits dismissed in the Magistrates' Courts has declined to less than 10%:

2001–02: 16.2 percent of cases discontinued
2003–04: 13.9 percent
2005–06: 11.6 percent
2007–08: 9.9 percent
2009–10: 9.0 percent
2011–12: 9.6 percent.

During 2011–12, the CPS took nearly 800,000 cases to the Magistrates' Courts. The rate of conviction has gradually risen in the last two years, such that 86.7% in all prosecutions in the Magistrates' Courts culminated in a verdict in 2011–12. At the same moment, in the Supreme Court, the CPS charged only over 100,000 suspects. Among all, 80.8% of the proceedings culminated in a sentence.

Many Considerations In General Public Concern In Favor Of The Prosecution

A prosecution will need:
the prosecution is expected to result in a substantial sentence;
the conviction is likely to lead in a court order in excess of that which the plaintiff is willing to obtain by reciprocal caution;
an offense requiring the use of a firearm or a threat of violence;

(d)   The crime was perpetrated against an individual representing the public (for instance, a representative of the emergency services; a police or corrections officer; a medical or social care professional; or a public transit provider);
the crime has been premeditated;
the crime has been perpetrated by a group;

(g) the crime was perpetrated in the presence of, or in near vicinity to, a child;

(h) the crime has been triggered by some type of prejudice against the victim's ethnic or national origin, gender, impairment, age, faith or ideology, political beliefs, sexual preference or gender identity; or has been shown to be offensive to the victim on the basis of some of those characteristics;
the crime has been performed in order to encourage more severe offenses;

(j) the target of the crime was in a fragile position, and the perpetrator took advantage of the circumstance;

(k) there was an aspect of the victim's wrongdoing in the manner in which the crime was committed;

(l) there was a marked disparity between the age of the defendant and the victim and the perpetrator taking advantage of the discrepancy;

(m) there was a significant disparity between the degree of comprehension of the perpetrator and the victim, and the suspect took benefit of that;

(n) the defendant was in a place of authority or confidence and taking advantage of that status;

(o) the defendant was a leader or an agent of the offense;

(p) the past convictions of the defendant or the existing out-of-court disposals which he or she has obtained are applicable to the present offense;

(q) the defendant is supposed to have perpetrated the crime in violation of the order of the court;

(r) the case will have a substantial beneficial effect on the restoration of mutual trust;

(s) there are reasons for assuming that the crime is probable to take place or be replicated.

Several Considerations In General Public Concern Against Indictment

The Case Is Less Likely To Be Appropriate If:

(a) the court is expected to levy a negligible penalty;

(b) the severity and effects of the crime can be complied within an acceptable way by means of an out-of-court disposition where the defendant acknowledges and where he or she complies with .;

(c) the defendant has been exposed to any effective disciplinary process or to some criminal or applicable civil punishment which discusses the severity of the crime and any violation of confidence involved in an effective manner;

(d) the crime was perpetrated as a consequence of a real mistake or incomprehension;

(e) the damage or harm may be defined as minimal and was the product of a single event, in general, if it was triggered by a misjudgment;

(f) there has also been a considerable pause from the day of the conviction and the day of the trial, unless:

It is a serious offense
the pause was triggered in full or in part by the defendant or the suspect.
The crime has just lately surfaced;
The nature of the crime has indicated that there was a thorough investigation;
New forensic methods have been employed to re-examine already unsolved cases and, as a result, a perpetrator has been found.

(g) the action is liable to have a detrimental effect on the physical or mental wellbeing of the accused, often keeping in mind the severity of the crime and the interpretation of the accused as to the effects of the trial on his or her physical or mental health;

(h) the defendant has played a limited part in the execution of the offense;

(i) the defendant has remedied the harm or injury that has been done (but the defendant does not escape punishment or an out-of-court dismissal purely on the basis that the suspect returns or repays the chunk of money that he or she has illegally received);

(j) the defendant has or has experienced substantial emotional or physical ill wellbeing at the time of the conviction, whether the crime becomes extreme or there becomes a reasonable risk that it will be replicated

(k) the court may demand that data be rendered available, which may affect sources of intelligence, foreign affairs, or national security.


A Code of Practice for Victims was published in 2005. The Code points out the assistance that offenders should hope to access from the criminal justice system. That involves notifying minor offenders within one working day, and all other suspects within five days of work, when there is insufficient reason to prosecute an offender.

Civil Actions

There have also been instances in which a criminal lawsuit has been filed when the Crown Prosecution Service fails to prosecute. The burden of evidence in civil litigation is not as strong as in felony proceedings, although some of this litigation have prompted the Crown Prosecution Service to sue. In fact, in 1998, the relatives of the murdered black woman scientist Joan Francisco brought a criminal lawsuit for trespass against her ex-boyfriend. The families believed that the man had killed her.

They were active with a criminal case: the police and Crown Prosecution Service checked the facts and noticed out there was a very specific blood check that they have not used in the first trial. When this procedure was used, it was found that there was a man's bloodstain on the woman's t-shirt. The CPS subsequently charged the guy with murder, and in 1999, six years after the crime, he was sentenced.

Criticism Of The CPS

Criticism has been created that the CPS is not quite able to pursue disciplinary measures. The results of the Public Accounts Committee backed this critique. This was recorded by the CPS in October 2006 in the Crown Prosecution Service: Successful usage of the Court proceedings of the Magistrates for 2004–05. It turned out that there were a considerable number of events, both prosecution, and pre-trial, which did not continue on the day.

When the trial does not proceed, the defendant was more likely to blame.

However, the CPS was liable for 38% of the incidents. This was either not expected to continue or dismissed proceedings on the day of the trial. The Committee reported that errors cost the public more than £173 million. For this, 24 million lives are listed as being due to the CPS.

The reaction of the CPS was to find out that the unsuccessful trial figure had fallen dramatically from 31 percent from July to September 2002 to 23 percent from January to March 2005. This also acknowledged that further development had been made during the time reviewed by the Committee.

The CPS has increased its efficiency since then. In fact, the incidence of discontinuation of cases has decreased significantly.

For certain places, though, there were still issues. In March 2010, a study by the Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, Analysis of the Conduct of the CPS London 2009–10, found that the CPS in London did not always work well. The study points out that the practice of the Supreme Court was so frequently improperly organized and that this had negative consequences on the preparation and reporting of the trial. Through 2011–12, the Inspectorate noticed in its annual study that substantial improvements have been achieved in certain regions.

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